Bring it back: Weird competitions

I am very competitive.  Very.  I’m only writing this blog post because I’m not currently winning this blog.  I don’t even know what that means.

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Bring it back: Creepy window displays

Sometimes I see a picture of something from the past, and I get jealous to the point of becoming angry.  I’m jealous that the thing I saw and its sheer awesomeness no longer exists in modern day society.

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Dead Dreamboats

My friend, Courtney, and I share the hobby of drooling over dead guys.  It sounds weird I know, but…. ok, it’s weird.  I take a lot of comfort in knowing we’re not alone.

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Where is home? or: How I learned to stop worrying and find my sense of place

I have no idea how to answer people when they ask me where I’m from.

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