My list of things I probably won’t be dressing as this Halloween
- Lord Sutch
- 0
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Halloween is approaching, and though in New Zealand we half-ass it in comparison to our American friends, a lot of people still get into the spirit of it. Those who haven’t blown their costume-wad at the Wellington Sevens do anyway.
But every year there’s a race to come up with the most shocking/lewd/offensive etc costume. And so this year I’m starting a list of things I shouldn’t go as. Feel free to add to it either via the old skool method of commenting on the blog or on Twitter. Let’s make up a hashtag for it. Maybe #AntiHalloween that might be too many characters. I dunno. What do you kids do on the social media anyway?
- Sexy ISIS executioner
- Sexy Malaysian Airlines anything (alternatively, say you’re going to go to a party then don’t show up, Hey hey! MH370!)
- Sexy journalist beheaded by ISIS
- Sexy Colin Craig
- Anything that requires me wearing blackface
- Anything vaguely political that requires wearing a mask (not because of offensiveness, but because how dull)
- Robin Williams
- Sexy Ebola patient
- Anything related to Oscar Pistorius (this includes but isn’t limited to: Oscar Pistorius, Reeva Steenkamp, a broken door)
- Anything to do with the Twin Towers because that is so 2009
Ten items is a nice round number, so yeah if you have any more that you don’t want to see this year feel free to contribute.