Raybon and Tim and Cohen oh my!
- Lord Sutch
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We love comedy at the Ruminator. We review the shit out of it every festival and we’re a big supporter of local comedy which we think is going from strength to strength.
There’s a phenomenal show coming up with Tim Batt (from the Worst Idea of All Time podcast), Cohen Holloway (he was in Boy, and Eagle vs Shark and just about all of Taika’s films, but not Thor) and Raybon Kan (from Raybon Kan). We highly recommend you attend, and the organiser is such a GC that he’s said that if you use the promo code “RUMINATOR” to book he’ll discount you a cheap rate.
Top comedy and cheap rates! Why what a brilliant idea.
It’s in the bustling metropolis of Johnsonville at the aptly named Johnsonville Club (Johnsonville Club, 1 Norman Lane, Johnsonville, Wellington). So sorry non Wellington folks but you’re shit out of luck.
You can book at this link: http://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2016/live-laughs-with-raybon-kan-and-cohen-holloway/wellington and put RUMINATOR in the promo code box. There’s a limited number of cheapy tickets so get in quick. QUICK.
Love your work all.