It’s PC gone mad!

Whenever something happens that tries to protect a minority say, or maybe sets out to right a wrong, there’s always a group of people who start yelling “This is bloody PC gone mad!”

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This post will not restore your faith in humanity

We’ve heard a lot of angry rants about click-bait headlines. The sort of headlines that say things like “20 Secret Santa gifts you won’t believe actually exist.

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Untitled angry rant

So I guess the goal in life is to have full and satisfying challenges to accomplish, with a minimum of time spent on what we could file approximately under “admin” or “chores” or “tiresome bullshit that sucks the joy out of your life”.

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Been spending most my life living in a bigot’s paradox

There’s that old cliche, where the racist old person starts talking. And they’re usually old. When you get to that old stage you find that the racism permeates both genders

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