Bring it back: Daphne Lingerie

Victoria’s Secret dominates the lingerie market.  They’re a multi-cajillion dollar business that, as far as I can tell, targets its ads primarily at the eyeballs and regular balls of pubescent and post-pubescent men.

But as a woman with a regular woman body, I find the entire Victoria’s Secret image tired and completely uninspired.  Just look at the models pictured below.

Airbrushed waifs
Airbrushed waifs

A photo like this does nothing to convince me of the variety of style and size available at Victoria’s Secret. All it tells me is that if I’m a size 0 with absolutely no interest in creativity, colour or stylistic expression, I will like what I find at Victoria’s Secret.  Which brings me back to my earlier comment about how the marketing isn’t really aimed at me or my regular woman body.  I’m sure the company will claim the marketing is aimed at what a regular woman *wishes* her body looked like.  Eff that and eff you Victoria’s Secret.

What I want is a lingerie company that offers practical and creative lingerie modelled by regular bodied women who don’t live in a delusional and emaciated fantasy-land full of women who appeal to men who are married to women who prefer men to do their lingerie shopping.

What I really want is to bring back Daphne Lingerie. I do not proclaim to be an expert lingerie historian (and if you do, you’re kind of a pervert), but my extensive amateur research tells us that Daphne Lingerie was a lingerie company that appealed to the every woman.

The Phone Robe

Everytime my phone rings, I panic! What will I wear!?!?

This beautiful and sensible dressing gown is perfect. It has a wrap-around waist-tie that can be adjusted to accommodate a pregnant belly or just a post-dinner food baby.  It extends all the way to the floor to keep your feet warm or hide the legs you meant to shave months ago but didn’t get around to because of all the phone calls. Once the Phone Robe has reached its maximum wearing potential, you can re-purpose it as a curtain in your lounge room.

Woman modelling Daphne lingerie
Woman modelling Daphne lingerie. K E Niven and Co :Commercial negatives. Ref: 1/2-211736-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.

The Prowler Gown

What’s that noise?! Is there an intruder in my house?! What will I wear to investigate this possibility?!

Hats off to Daphne for this gorgeous and simple Prowler Gown.  You need not worry if there is indeed a prowler in the house.  He’ll be instantly disarmed by your sensible fashion choice.  The bow on the front doubles as a noose for self-defence.

Woman modelling Daphne lingerie
Woman modelling Daphne lingerie. K E Niven and Co :Commercial negatives. Ref: 1/2-211743-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.

The Rejection Blouse

Don’t you hate when a man you don’t even like proposes to you while you’re wearing some ugly lingerie from Victoria’s Secret?  Me too!

Here we have the sexy (but not too sexy) button-down Rejection Blouse that will keep him interested enough, just in case no one better comes along, but not so interested that he thinks you actually liked him.

Woman modelling blouse
Woman modelling blouse. K E Niven and Co :Commercial negatives. Ref: 1/2-211051-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.

The WTF slip

After a hard day’s work, some women enjoy lounging on their sofas with arms positioned in an artistic and angular way.  I’m not one of those women.  But if you are, this WTF slip provides comfort in those quiet moments.

Woman modelling Daphne lingerie
Woman modelling Daphne lingerie. K E Niven and Co :Commercial negatives. Ref: 1/2-211734-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.

The Rope Shirt

The Rope Shirt is versatile and incredibly fashionable, whether you are backstage at a theatre working some kind of lighting rig or stranded in a dinghy on the high seas and require rescue by a larger, more capable ship.  Basically if you ever have cause to handle rope, buy this shirt.

Woman modelling Daphne lingerie
Woman modelling Daphne lingerie. K E Niven and Co :Commercial negatives. Ref: 1/2-211735-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.

The Dog Training Gown

Dog’s love discipline.  And nothing says “Sit! Stay!” better than the Dog Training Gown.  Designed by the world’s top dog training fashion designers, these gowns provide the perfect sexy solution to the eternal question: What will I wear to train my dog?

Note: These gowns should not be worn around real dogs.  They will pee on it.

Woman modelling Daphne lingerie
Woman modelling Daphne lingerie. K E Niven and Co :Commercial negatives. Ref: 1/2-211741-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.

The Monkey Puppet Blouse

Nothing says sexy bedroom adventure like a pole-dancing monkey puppet. Nina Conti owns three!

Woman modelling Daphne lingerie
Woman modelling Daphne lingerie. K E Niven and Co :Commercial negatives. Ref: 1/2-211738-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.

The China Top

I don’t know about you, but when I eat Chinese food, I dress like a Chinese person and hang paper lanterns in my kitchen.  It creates a more authentic atmosphere for me to eat my ramen noodles.  With a China Top, you too can dress like a Chinese person while you pretend to use chopsticks.

Woman modelling Chinese-style blouse & eating with chopsticks
Woman modelling Chinese-style blouse & eating with chopsticks. K E Niven and Co :Commercial negatives. Ref: 1/2-211048-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.

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7 thoughts on “Bring it back: Daphne Lingerie

  1. I am usually a size 6 – 8 in clothing, but the last time I went shopping for undies, the only ones I could find that didn’t cut into me like a roast at Christmas were size L. Which begs the question, where the f*** do all the size 12+ women get undies from?!

    1. It’s a good question. I’ve always been between a size 12 & 18, and it can be tough finding underwear that doesn’t torture me. I tend to buy the 3 or 5 pack basic cotton undies at places like Farmer’s, which seem to fit me. I’ve had heaps of friends recommend Thunderpants.

    2. The answer to your question “where the f*** do all the size 12+ women get undies from?!” Is not really anywhere. It doesn’t really exist. Right now thousands of plus size women are sitting at their desks, in their cars or wherever, in extreme discomfort as the blood supply to their legs is slowly being cut off.

      I’m a size 14- 16 in clothing. I hate shopping for knickers. Worst thing in the world. Why make 16D bras and larger with matching undies that only go up to XL? Which I think is supposed to equate to about a size 16-18. I think they make them with a picture of a pear with toothpicks sticking out the bottom in their head. Luckily I own a pair of scissors and can use a sewing machine.

      I also hate Elle Macpherson lingerie with a passion. She is basically saying “If you are bigger than a size 14, I am sorry I can not help you. I do not want you wearing pretty things with my name attached,… fatty”.

    3. The bra situation is dire! It’s funny how they market lingerie as a ‘sexy thing’ but then don’t make sexy lingerie for women with big, sexy boobs!

  2. Chelsea is so so right about the bras, I hit DD in year 11 and I was subjected to these hideous camel colured bras, when all I wanted was something cute and pink. Now at 16F I just want a cute bra to show off my great boobs without spending a fortune and cramming my boobs into something several sizes too small. If boobs are sexy we should be able to buy sexy bras for sexy sized boobs, ha! sexy, the ads in magazines make me ashamed of my proportions like I have some sort of growth on my chestI should try swaddle with camel coloured bras.

    1. If you are in NZ, contact TIna at Shalari Lingerie in Greytown, she is incredible.

      My mum (size 16-18) left Tina’s store looking 5kg lighter, with her shoulders back, chest proud, just because for the first time she had the right size bra on. Shalari especially caters for bigger busts – I’m a FF.

      Not cheap (Freya, Fantasie etc) – but you are worth it! Even if you can only get one good set, nothing makes a girl feel as good as knowing we’ve got our ‘A-teams’ on under our clothes.


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