I hope the Young Nats paid for their license
- Lord Sutch
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So the John Key + All Blacks love affair has been going on a while. This isn’t news. And frankly it’s clever branding. The only people it’s going to turn off are those who aren’t really interested in National or Rugby anyway. “Middle New Zealand” probably loves that shit.
Anyway, that’s not what this post is about. This post is about copyright.
You see Stuff ran an article with a picture of Richie McCaw and Key having a beer and a laugh coz they seem to be chums: http://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/rugby/all-blacks/71170454/prime-minister-john-key-says-knighthood-offer-looming-for-all-black-richie-mccaw
That’s cool. Stuff will have licensed the picture from Getty Images – the photographer is Phil Walter, who has taken some amazing sporting/political photos by the way. The link to the Getty image is from here: http://www.gettyimages.co.nz/detail/news-photo/new-zealand-prime-minister-john-key-talks-with-richie-mccaw-news-photo/484088182
So it costs $210 to license that particular image.
The Young Nats Facebook page then ran this post:
Haha see they called John Key “Mike Hosking’s boss”. They’re funny at the Young Nats.
This is the Facebook link so we can periodically check to see if they keep the post up or pull it.
Now I hope they’ve paid the $210 to use that picture. I mean it’s not as if the Nats have form for lifting after people’s artistic work and using it.
I’ve emailed the Young Nats and asked them if they paid for the license. I’ll update this when I hear back from them.
First update: Matthew Beveridge has responded to my tweeting this article with a couple of his own posts showing that this doesn’t seem to be the first time the Young Nats have done this:
http://t.co/RfEvIqvkpN and http://t.co/pY3LFEbY08

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