- Oliver Carle
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Kia ora!
My name is Oliver, you may remember me from basically nothing. I’ve written a handful of op-ed pieces for Ruminator this year, prior to that I wrote music reviews and rants for a handful of blogs, zines and university mags. When Dave accepted his new role that effectively meant he couldn’t be publicly angry on the internet anymore, it was always his intention that this site would continue despite this sad fact. He’s been hugely supportive of my writing from the very first piece that I sent him, supportive to the point that he’s asked me to pick up the managing of the site.
So that’s happening, the site will keep bringing you ruminations from a variety of writers and will continue taking submissions from anyone who has opinions. Enjoy!
If you want to read the stupid things I say on the Twitter you can follow me here: @olivercarle

I miss Dave : (
Me too Jerome, me too. He’s still floating around the Twittersphere though!