My Claim to Fame
- Lord Sutch
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In an idle moment on twitter I asked people what their claims to fame were. The responses were fantastic so here’s the collection.
I’ll keep updating this post as they come in – if you have one you want to add, tweet me @ruminatornz #myclaimtofame.
.@RuminatorNZ i once went to the bathroom next to J-Lo #myclaimtofame
— stories from the city (@mizjwilliams) February 27, 2014
.@RuminatorNZ also Simon Le Bon out of Duran Duran said he liked my t-shirt. (a yoshitomo nara one just in case anyone cares) #myclaimtofame
— stories from the city (@mizjwilliams) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ I was a sort-of-clown in Queen St, Auckland, one university holidays. Had to wear red tights & hat with balloons #myclaimtofame
— Rob Hosking (@robhosking) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ I might be cheating, but I'm on the radio a fair bit.
— jaaski (@jaaski_) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ @ColeyTangerina I once briefly danced on stage with Annie Lennox #Myclaimtofame
— Ken Spagnolo (@KenSpagnolo) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ Neil Gaiman said something I wrote was funny.
— if you can read this the bird site is still here (@lyndonhood) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ In a UK green room ,I told comedian Jim Davidson to f off and he kicked me in the shin…..We both had to be restrained #true
— André Hock (@transparency_a1) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ I won my fourth form speech competition, and got to speak to the Otorohanga Rotary Club #Myclaimtofame
— TVHE (@TVHE) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ my claim to fame is that I once sat on the bench used by Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump.
— Nandish (@nandishyajnik) February 27, 2014
@KenSpagnolo @ColeyTangerina @RuminatorNZ I had dinner with a man who was successfully sued for copyright infringement by Adolf Hitler.
— James Shaw (@jamespeshaw) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ my mum dated Bobby Darin #notevenmyclaimtofame #famebyinheritance
— michӕl gemmell (@Vitex_lucens) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ I was in a black cab once in Soho and we almost ran over Auberon Waugh.
— J u h a (@juhasaarinen) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ I made Geoff Robinson giggle on Morning Report, and I nearly T-boned Peter Jackson in my parents Subaru. #myclaimtofame
— C (@ConradReyners) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ I was also the ginger advertising kid for the Virtual Bungy ride at Te Papa. #NoJoke
— C (@ConradReyners) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ I walked down some stairs behind Tony Veitch once and didn't kick him down them, this makes me both better and worse than him.
— Jesse Joseph (@jessej1977) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ BEHOLD: http://t.co/pUNTOobRAb
— C (@ConradReyners) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ this: http://t.co/tipM2BIJMD and this http://t.co/J8UCdGcgow via @HuffingtonPost #myclaimtofame.
— Chris Park (@CParkus) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ He translated it into English in the '30s & annotated it to show the US how dangerous Hitler was. @KenSpagnolo @ColeyTangerina
— James Shaw (@jamespeshaw) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ the actor who played Max Ramsay from Neighbours came to my flat party one night #myclaimtofame
— kstew (@kstew70) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ Once @RuminatorNZ RT one of my tweets.#Myclaimtofame
CORRECTION ! Sorry on review I see it was only a #Fav , damn it 🙁— Lost in Poker (@LostInPoker) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ I once said "vagina" on National Radio
— Emma Hart (@Ghetsuhm) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ "You look too well dressed to be a journalist": 3 select committee chairs, 3 different occasions, just after….
— Rob Hosking (@robhosking) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ …they realised I wasn't an official and just before they threw me out because they were in committee.
— Rob Hosking (@robhosking) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ No, wait, I can top that. I once said "cunts" in the Grand Hall of Parliament.
— Emma Hart (@Ghetsuhm) February 27, 2014
@Ghetsuhm @RuminatorNZ I once called my computer a cunt during a Reserve Bank lock up. Rather loudly and just before Bollard started talking
— Rob Hosking (@robhosking) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ Now I think of it, Tony Ryall was one of them. TONY RYALL SAID I WAS WELL DRESSED #myclaimtofame
— Rob Hosking (@robhosking) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ Fell off the Great Wall of China. 3 metres down a C16th stairwell, at night. Walked back to town the next day.
— Lew (@LewSOS) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ briefly stood on Janet Frame at the movies once. #Myclaimtofame #imsorry
— Julie Alp (@cuttingkindling) February 27, 2014
@RuminatorNZ awesome film composer Alexandre Desplat told me I asked good questions. #Myclaimtofame
— Julie Alp (@cuttingkindling) February 27, 2014
@lyndonhood @RuminatorNZ I took @neilhimself and George RR Martin out to dinner once.
— Laurie Fleming (@LaurieFleming) February 28, 2014
#myclaimtofame is that William Gibson tweeted a line of mine once. Although by the time it reached him, it had lost attribution.
— Giovanni Tiso (@gtiso) February 28, 2014
@gtiso @RuminatorNZ my blog was tweeted by Stephen fry twice.
— @br3nda@cloudisland.nz (@BR3NDA) February 28, 2014
@RuminatorNZ I met MC Hammer in the early 90s. #myclaimtofame
— Noush Isaac (@anoushkaisaac) February 28, 2014
@RuminatorNZ I had a fling with a guy who is now Tilda Swinton's boyfriend #myclaimtofame
— Beth Brash (@genkibeth) February 28, 2014
@RuminatorNZ I was a brief pivotal character on The Tribe. Shaved head & a blue robe (kind of the SAS of Hare Krishna) #myclaimtofame
— Ⓛ. (@WaitYesNoMaybe) February 28, 2014
@RuminatorNZ Designed (ca 1995) the Universal Life Church online ordination form used by millions to become clergy via the interwebs.
— @phil_stevens@mastodon.nz (@stevens_phil) February 28, 2014
I knew the identity of @RuminatorNZ before he was The Ruminator and once at a party I made him laugh #myclaimtofame
— the fall of the village ennui society (@annemjw) February 28, 2014
@RuminatorNZ I once got junk-punched by Joel from Good Charlotte at Coyote Bar in return for a bourbon. #MyClaimToFame
— Pete and Three Veg (@PeteADubya) February 28, 2014
@RuminatorNZ I was a youth mp (even had our own q time in nz parliament. managed to grow up to be honest in spite of this #myclaimtofame
— Sam McLeod (@gallifreyhutch) February 28, 2014
Photo from Brian Gatwicke

For laughs, Hilary Cameron’s one gets my vote.