Uber the review

By Steve W August 28th was the official launch day for Uber in Wellington.

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America’s Cup ain’t my cup

I have grown about as disillusioned as the next person with the Americas Cup itself

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The terrible, terrible future of consumer tech

We, the consumer class, are about to enter the most self-absorbed period yet. Which is really saying something considering the late 1990s era of reality TV where ‘everyone can to be famous and should want to be’ and the social media/blog generation of the 2000s where ‘everyone wants to know what I’m thinking at all times’ (a somewhat self-defeating phenomenon to blog about).

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Sexy times at CES

The largest nerd fest in the world, the Consumer Electronics Expo has wrapped in Vegas for 2014 and Tim Batt has chosen four key popular tech areas and the stand out product/service from each category to look out for this year.

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