BANK WARS: Social Media done right

So a lot of corporates are out there in the social media space making tools of themselves. It’s embarrassing to watch. However sometimes corporates get it spot on.

Today such an event occurred and we thought you should all see it.

It started innocently enough with some witty banter between some fine comedians.

Then @Ghettoanger (the Ruminator’s own Jarrod Baker) tweeted this:

Usually, that’s the end of the story. But in this instance someone from KiwiBank wanted to play.

I watched this with much enjoyment, and wanted to let them know. So I said

and quick as a flash our KiwiBank friend responded

Never one to miss an opportunity for some LOLZ I replied

And then this happened…

As of writing, ANZ and Westpac hadn’t come to the party.

But to KiwiBank, ASB, TSB and BNZ, we salute you. Your use of social media is phenomenal and long may it continue.


And to Jen, Merrilee and Jarrod: well done on starting something beautiful.



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3 thoughts on “BANK WARS: Social Media done right

  1. Don’t you worry about old ANZ. Their CEO, Mike Smith, has just realised that social media is happening and recently told all their staff that they’d better embrace it and figure out how to use it to connect with their customers.

    The saddest part of it all is that isn’t a joke, it’s actually what happened. No doubt Mike is busy trying to figure out where his Bebo page has gone.

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