A tribute to David Farrar: photos of Europe

This is probably only interesting for maybe, family? (Hi Mum!). Anyway, here’s a collection of some of the photos from the trip to Europe to date.

These photos only cover London because it turns out I’m quite snap happy.


I don’t know that woman staring straight at the camera. She was just collateral damage.
This is Sandra, our German London guide and host. Later that night, I would wear German colours on my face in support of their football team. Grandma forgive me.
Goddamn it stripey lady. Get out of my photos. Also, that's an icecream cone in my mouth.
Goddamn it stripey lady. Get out of my photos.
This was the saddest balloon I had ever seen. Just floating along the Thames.
This was the saddest balloon I had ever seen. Just floating along the Thames.
However conversely, this is also England
However conversely, this is also England
You may not have realised this, but Kim won the Tour de France AND battled testicular cancer
You may not have realised this, but Kim won the Tour de France AND battled testicular cancer
London to a tea [see what I did there?]
London to a tea [see what I did there?]
This guy bloody loves trains
This guy bloody loves trains
One of these buildings is called the "Shard". Not the Shart as I thought.
One of these buildings is called the “Shard”. Not the Shart as I thought.
Ok, Big Ben says its time to go explore Amsterdam
Ok, Big Ben says its time to go explore Amsterdam

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