A question for our readers

Young_Woman_ThinkingHere at the Ruminator we like a bit of audience interaction, so here’s a question for you:

“Why, why, why would any Politician agree to appear on Ruminator? A belt way site frequented by the Wellington Emerald Stormtroopers with no wider value other than to get tripped up and ripped to pieces by the mainstream media. Did Whyte learn nothing from Cunliffe’s appearance on Ruminator?”

– Source

Edit: There’s this piece by Daily Blog writer Burnt Out Teacher and it’s an excellent look at the interview with Jamie Whyte. Really good. Anyway, I posted the following comment:

“This is a really great piece on the interview – thank you! I wasn’t surprised, but still disappointed, that the incest comment became the focal point of the story. I nearly removed it actually.

But what you say is really adroit. Kudos.”

And it didn’t get by moderation. Why the fuck not? Who the fuck knows!



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3 thoughts on “A question for our readers

  1. Maybe, and this may be hard for the author of that original quote (He Who Shall Not Be Named) to grasp, politicians view participating on blogs like this as a unique way to reach an audience who that they might not otherwise get to through the mainstream media or more well-established/highly partisan blogs.

    It allows them to be asked questions that journalists wouldn’t typically ask because there’s a editorial freedom in this space that there simply isn’t the time for on mainstream media outlets. Likewise they’re probably more comfortable that their words aren’t going to taken woefully out of context if they appeared on the strongly left or strongly right wing blogs of our fair land.

    This final point, however, may be the most shocking to He Who Shall Not Be Named, and that’s the simple fact there the Ruminator has clearly appealed to an audience quite separate to those that frequent The Daily Blog, Pundit, Kiwiblog or Whale Oil. Sure, there’s overlaps, but when I come here I feel you’re appealing to people who aren’t necessarily served by things that are overtly left or right of the spectrum, but are quite an eclectic mix of everything.

    I’d also have He Who Shall Not Be Named know I’m not an Emerald Stormtrooper. I have photographic evidence that I am Darth Vader. Though Emerald Stormtroopers may have been useful on Endor.

    Now for FSM’s sake, I hope someone else posts a comment as we’ve never done lunch together and it could be kind of awkward.

  2. Your comment is up on TDB now, so you can chill 🙂

    Yes, fantastic article, good stuff. Those crazy act dudes…

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