Peak peak Rumination: starting at the start

The Ruminator presents: The Official Ruminator Twin Peaks Rewatch Companion! In the coming months, we will follow along with the great Twin Peaks rewatch (see end of post). Join us every Tuesday for some tasty ruminations on Twin Peaks from a bunch of great writers! (Maybe including you?) This week: start your rewatch with the feature-length pilot to Twin Peaks! Here’s Ruminator regular Morgan Davie to set the scene… When Twin Peaks came to New Zealand, we were young. We liked St Elsewhere and Cheers and Dallas. It was Ancient Days, people. Your television was a curving screen the size of a magazine spread, and the picture was grainy and…

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Trump, the View From Moon Zealand

For a while now I’ve wondered when exactly we should start taking seriously what is going on in US politics around Donald Trump. How foolish of me. The time is now.

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Regarding “call-out culture”: the uncontained fury of the imagined teenage Tumblr feminist

Recently Jonathan Chait generated a lot of heat online for a New York mag piece raging about a new era of political correctness.

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Election 2014: Reckons Roundup (Updated)

After the election delivered National back into power, many people have been sharing their reckons. It has been hard to keep up with them all. So here is a roundup.

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Toyworld’s telling girls what to play with again: update it was all a mistake

Last year something very cool happened, at least partly inspired by a Ruminator post. But this year, it appears to have… unhappened. I’m not impressed.

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The best way to remember the Chch Quake?

Sure, watch the Campbell Live coverage of all the people who are still living in very messed-up circumstances. And yes, read the newspaper reports on the battles over the city’s recovery.

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Rape is easy here

Trigger Warning. The world isn’t exactly crying out for more opinions on the Roast Busters from straight white cis-men. Sorry world, I’m gonna opine.

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Making a difference

Some people are just good people. They do their part to make the world a better part and help ease suffering. Morgue Davie has found just such a soul: Karen from

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Why we’ll never quit Star Wars

“Star Wars references are deeply embedded in popular culture”, says Wikipedia’s article on the subject. Why do we keep talking about Star Wars? Why can’t we get over it?

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Me to my 2-year-old daughter: – Are you a boy or a girl? *pause* – I aren’t.

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Here is the future of online news

Warren Ellis, the one who writes comics and stuff not the one who is a musician, linked today to this Fast Company feature on the new way it is  handling news content.

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10 Best Things To Tell “Computer Support”

The Computer Support Scam has been around for a while now – here in NZ it comes and goes in waves, but at my place, we’ve had a couple calls in the last few weeks so it looks like we’re back on their call lists.

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The Day The Music Hid

I was in the UK when it happened. HMV and Virgin and other big music outlets suddenly rearranged themselves. One day, their entrances were enormous displays of music. The next day, the music was gone, and instead there were DVDs. Lots and lots of DVDs.

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